Friday, March 11, 2016

SharePoint is a Religion!

Now that we just completed another series of winter holidays, Hanukkah and Christmas, I realized something. SharePoint is a Religion! And we are all part of it! If you don’t understand what I mean, let me explain…

Why is SharePoint a Religion?

SharePoint has a large following

Just like any major religion – it has a large following. There are many people in the world that practice the religion of SharePoint. That’s because SharePoint has been for a while now (almost 15 years), and is present in many large and medium corporations. And thanks to Office 365, SharePoint is now widely used by small organizations and non-profits.

SharePoint has religious fanatics

Just like any religion, SharePoint has some hard-core fanatics. I am one of them. There are many others too. We, SharePoint fanatics, think that every single problem in the world can be solved by SharePoint. We live and breathe by SharePoint and get excited by its little and unique features and unlimited capabilities. Every other word that comes out our mouth is “SharePoint”.

SharePoint has a holy day – Saturday

Every religion has its holy days. Just like Sabbath (Saturday) is a holy day for Judaism, Saturday happens to be the holy day for SharePoint as well. That’s the day when SharePoint Saturdays occur. This is when SharePoint followers and fanatics congregate in the cities they live in and listen to sermons from each other about SharePoint. It is a whole day event that takes place almost every Saturday it some major city in the world and repeats annually.

SharePoint has God

Just like any other monotheistic religion, SharePoint has one God as well – it is called Microsoft. SharePoint is a Microsoft’s product. And Microsoft is in total control of SharePoint, its features, look and feel, updates, etc. So all of us, SharePoint followers, we all look up to Microsoft and carefully listen to it and try to understand and interpret every little word or piece of news that comes out. And then we all get excited about it and talk forever about it

SharePoint is everywhere

Just like you find places of worship everywhere – SharePoint is everywhere too. Thanks for Office 365 (cloud) – SharePoint is everywhere. It is tied to Outlook when you send an email, it is on your mobile device, it is there when you store your documents using OneDrive or collaborate with colleagues at work.

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